Structural cross section through the well path 15/9-19SR

What information is available in the Volve Dataset?

The Volve dataset is most complete open source Exploration & Production data available and provides a detailed insight into the life of the field right from Exploration to Abandonment. The Volve Data Village is an album of 11 different folders containing 9 data types.

The data types in the Volve data set are (Click on a list item to navigate):

  1. Geophysical Interpretation
  2. Geoscience_OW_Archive
  3. Production data
  4. Reports
  5. Reservoir Modelling
  6. Seismic
  7. Logging Data
  8. Well technical data
  9. Drilling Data

Geophysical Interpretations

The Geophysical Interpretation was primarily stored and shared on the OpenWorks platform.

OpenWorks is a project data management software developed by Haliburton and is extensively used for handling seismic data

The four sub-folders in the dataset give information about

  1. Fault polygons
  2. Faults
  3. Horizons
  4. Wells

Fault polygons

It is a set of lines, representing the hanging wall and footwall of the fault for each horizon.


It is the imaginary interface between two different beds having geological dissimilarity like density, porosity, fluid content, etc


It is a crack in the Earth’s crust along which there has been an observable amount of displacement.

Folder: Fault Polygons

This folder gives information on the location of the fault based on the UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) coordinate system & TWT (Two-way time).

  1. 2014_Volve_Hugin_Base.dat
  2. 2014_Volve_Hugin_Top.dat

The number of fault polygons defining the Hugin formation:

Top Hugin78 Polygons
Base Hugin71 Polygons

Folder: Faults

It contains Volve_Official_Faults.dat file which includes all official faults. A README.txt file provides guidelines to infer the data from Volve_Official_Faults.dat

Folder: Horizons

Two sub folders within main folder contains the horizon interpretation files.

  1. Horizons_DEPTH: Interpolated key horizons in depth.
  2. Horizons_TWT: Interpolated key horizons in time & significant horizons used for computing 4D attribute map withal

Folder: Wells

It has two files

  1. Well_perforation_Volve.dat
  2. Well_picks_volve_V1.dat 

Well_perforation_Volve.dat contains well details such as:

  • Well name
  • Its top formation
  • Perforation & Completion observation
  • Perforation from different depth i.e. MD, TVD
  • Perforation type
  • Date of perforation

Well_picks_volve_V1.dat has contains information about the well direction:

  • Well name
  • Surface name
  • MD
  • TVD
  • Dip & Azimuth

We are looking for students, researchers and professionals who can help us port this data to an open source software and also develop content. Please contact us if you have ideas!


Geoscience deals with the dynamic processes that form & shape the earth’s surface and works to fathom the minerals, rocks, energy resources, fossils, weather and all related entity with the earth.

This folder contains

  2. VOLVE_PUBLIC_Externalfiles.dszip
  3. VOLVE_PUBLIC_Seismic.dszip

These files mainly contain information related to Earthmodeling & I3DV (Interactive 3D Visualization) of earth.

Earthmodelling is the computerized generation of a portion of the Earth’s Crust depending on the geological and geophysical data available representing subsurface behavior. Interactive 3D Visualization is not limited to earth’s crust but it also helps in drilling.

Production data

Production and pressure data help us understand the well and reservoir behaviour. They are an important part of monitoring the field behaviour and planning of future activities. Information is given in an MS Excel file named Volve production data.xlsx

  1. Date of production
  2. Codes & Names as per NPD |Norwegian Petroleum Directorate|
    • Well Code & Name
    • Field Code & Name 
    • Facility Code & Name
  3. Pressure Data
    • Downhole Pressure & Temperature
    • Average Tubing & Annular Pressure Details
  4. Flow Data
    • Volumetric Data for Produced Gas, Oil & Water & Injected Water
    • Flow Kind (e.g. Spherical)
  5. Other Data
    • Onstream Hours
    • Type of well
    • Choke Details (e.g. Choke Size, DP Ratio [=Pressure drop/downstream pressure])


We have two reports that summarize the studies carried to understand the field and also strategize the development.

  1. Discovery Report: It covers topics like seismic & structural Interpretation, Geological & Petrophysical evaluation of the field. Primary analysis like Drill stem test & Geochemistry, Resource & probability estimation to the future acquisition of new seismic data & drilling operation. It also contains structural maps, Isochore map & litho-stratigraphic correlation.
  2. Volve PUD: It is in Norwegian Language related to TECHNO-ECONOMICAL Analysis of the field. It covers topics like Geological evaluation, Reservoir modelling, Drilling & Production Technology, Operation & Maintenance, HSE (Health, Safety & Environment), and economic analysis.

Reservoir Modelling

Reservoir modeling & simulation is a necessary analysis to understand field performance & field development planning. The dataset has 2 folders:

Reservoir Eclipse Model

ECLIPSE (Simulation software) by Schlumberger provides Black oil modeling, Thermal modeling with a finite volume method.

Folder Contains Dynamic Fluid Simulation model (Model Volve 2010) including both results and input data.

Model contains drainage strategy and development from initial PDO*

Reservoir RMS Model

RMS offers facility for Reservoir characterization and modelling.

It has two reservoir Models:

  • PDO for 2005
  • Full Field Model for 2014

*Plan of Development & Operation


Seismic surveys are a geophysical survey method in which the of reflected/refracted acoustic waves are used to map and understand the sub-surface. We collect data using crossed array methods where orthogonal grids are generated by sets of Inline (IL ) & Crossline (XL). We have four sub-folders:

OBC Seismic survey: Ocean Bottom Cable survey technique has a vertical series of Geophone or hydrophone deployed on the seafloor for recording & relaying seismic data.

  1. ST0202: 3D processed data for the OBC survey carried out in 2002
  2. ST10010: 3D processed data for the OBC survey carried out in 2010
  3. ST0202vsST10010_4D: Contains data from 4D processing of ST0202 and ST10010 (matched data).
  4. VSP: The recorded Check-shot and VSP profile data of wells . More VSP data is found in the folder Well logs\08.VSP_VELOCITY

A VSI tool is put in the borehole, with 4 receivers. The distance between the receivers is 15cm. A source is located right above the VSI receivers (in the center). The average TWT of the first arrivals in the 4 receivers is taken. The boat and the VSI tool move after every shot.

Each seismic survey processed data folder has the following sub-folders:

  • PreMig_data: Contains shot gathers and offset data of the survey.
  • Prestack_data: Common Image Point (CIP) gathers for PZ and PS gathers, in depth and in PP time.
  • Raw_data: NAV merged raw data from the OBC survey
  • Other_data: Source Signature and Tides data data
  • Stacks: Contains raw and final stacks of the processing of seismic survey
  • Documentation: Final field operation report for marine seismic reflection survey (2002)
  • Velocities : Contains velocity models used to migrate the seismic survey

NAV merged data combines seismic data with various geometry formats and provides SEGY data that has trace headers populated with correct source and receiver X,Y positions.

We are looking for students, researchers, professionals who can help us develop content based on the seismic data. Please contact us if you have ideas!

Logging Data

Well-Logging measures the physical properties of rock by sensor encompassed in sonde which is sent into the borehole.

Data set has 2 folders related to that data;

  1. Well_logs
  2. Well_logs_pr_well

Mud Log

Cutting over Shale shaker gives full lithological Identification

Gas Reading Measured by Gas Chromatograph

Production Logs

Production logging is used to determine the wellbore and reservoir properties while the well is on production.

Logging While Drilling

LWD measurements concerning the geological formation are made while drilling

Composite Log

The composite log is a graphical representation of a set of different logs to analyze Full-depth Interval.

Additionally Well log data related to image log (Density Image Log), Pressure Transient tests, Well Integrity Logs (Cement Bond Log CBL, Casing Collar Locator CCL, Ultrasonic Imaging Tool USIT), LFP (Lithological Fluid Prediction), VSP (Vertical Seismic Profiling)

Well technical data

Technical data related to mechanical stress, casing, Daily Drilling plans, Well plan, Trajectories, Site report, Inspection reports on Stress check acquired by this folder.

Daily Drilling Report

A comprehensive report of the daily drilling activities with section like:

  • Wellbore summary
  • Activities performed in past 24 hours
  • Activities planned for next 24 hours
  • Hourly update of the drilling activities
  • Drilling fluid parameters

  • Pore pressure measurement
  • Survey station measurements
  • Lithology information
  • Gas reading information
  • Casing/Tubing liner details

The reports available in three formats: .pdf, html and .xml

Engineer’s Data Model (EDM)

This is a propriety well database management solution from Halliburton. It stores a variety of well data that can be accessed in software like COMPASS, STRESSCHECK, CASINGSEAT, CASINGWEAR, WELLCAT, WELLPLAN.

We plan to use port the database to an open source application. Please contact us if you have ideas!

Site Summary Report

We have information about the well surface position, the well path survey and the well path plan.

Template Slot Report

Provides a list of well template slots available on the drilling rig .

StressCheck, WellPlan, WellCat

The data in the EDT_EDM folder structure is the EDT software export using the software from Landmark. The data is encrypted and can be accessed by proprietary application.

We plan to use port the data to an open source application. Please contact us if you have ideas!

Well Wellbore

It includes well-wise design and actual survey, and also the site summary report

Drilling Data

WITSML (Well-site Information Transfer Standard Markup Language) is an industry-standard especially for real-time surveillance for Drilling, completion & intervention operation. This standard plays an important role in sending and receiving information from Rig Site to offices.

For each well the following data is available

  • Wellbore Info: Field, Country, Operator, Datum, Elevation
  • Information about the rig: MAERSK Inspirer
  • Tubular and bottom hole assembly data
  • Wellbore trajectory8
  • Drilling messages
  • Logs recorded to monitor:
  • Pits
  • GwdTime (Gyro While drilling)
  • Tripping Time
  • Trip Connection Data
  • Cement Data
  • Hydraulics
  • Gas Time
  • Gen Time: Data like Rig Heave, Bit depth, Rig Activity , Top drive position.
  • Glc Settings Log : Trajectory, Lithology data.

This article highlights the diverse skillset required to develop an oilfield. The initiative touches upon all of these skills and builds upon the expertise of its authors. We invite you to take this opportunity to make your contribution to the Petroleum community.

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21 thoughts on “What information is available in the Volve Dataset?”

  1. Would you be able to advise what are the LFP (Lithological Fluid Prediction) data? I see plenty of channels there that kind of repeated with Composite and LWD/EWL sets, but I struggle to understand where is this data coming from. Is LFP some kind of interpretation of seismic data processed by Geolog software?


      1. Thank you Ankit! Would you maybe be able to advise where to look fot some more detailed explanation of channels meaning? I can only find a unit in ASCI files, but cannot always figure out subtle differences between channels.

          1. Yes, I am asking about data available in ASCII well log files. They come in categories (as per folders) MUD_LOG, LWD_EWL, COMPOSITE, etc. When you open a file for a specific well you see multiple channels with no description. Some of them are obvious to me (e.g. GR, CN, CAL) but some of them are less obvious. For example in COMPOSITE log for well 15/9-19 A you have multiple radioactive-related logging channels (judging by unit CPS): LSN, SSD, HRD1, etc. Similar situation with resistivity, for example. I would like to understand what do those channels mean. I believe this kind of information would normally be passed to the operator by logging company as a part of data delivery package.

            On a note — I am using JSON format of those logs as I was not able to open original LTI files. Possibly you can advise any software that can deal with LTI?

          2. I have not been able to identify all the channels. Maybe you could do a quick google search or look for the information available in the header of those file.

  2. Hello, do you have any idea of what tools they were use? Tools about well logs, like LWD, SP, Gamma Ray. Been looking, but didn´t find that kind of information, thanks!

    1. There is a lot of information available about the tools used in the End of Well reports. I was planning to do an article and would really appreciate some help.

  3. Hello Ankit! Wonderful thing you’re doing!
    My question is: does the volve database have any data about multilateral wells? And if so, how can I navigate through the data quickly to find what I am looking for?

  4. Hi
    Just wondering, if any one figured out what is the scale of core images provided in the dataset.
    A number of thin micro images of cores are provided for two wells. But no real scale if provided, thus rendering the data useless for research purposes. Doe any one have any knowledge about how to figure it out

  5. I was just wondering whether seismic processing reports have been released as part of the data package? I don’t seem to be able to find them. Thank you very much in advance.

    1. I am not very conservant about the seismic aspect. Can you share what kind of reports are you expecting the database?

  6. Hello, where is the LAS file for the 19 wells under the Hordaland Group Formation, do you know where it is, I can’t find the file location for it.
    zone_map = {
    0: ‘Seabed’,
    1: ‘NORDLAND’,
    2: ‘Utsira’,
    3: ‘HORDALAND’,
    4: ‘Ty’,
    5: ‘SHETLAND’,
    6: ‘Ekofisk’,
    7: ‘Hod’,
    8: ‘Draupne’,
    9: ‘Heather Shale’,
    10: ‘Heather Sand’,
    11: ‘Hugin C’,
    12: ‘Hugin B3’,
    13: ‘Hugin B2’,
    14: ‘Hugin B1’,
    15: ‘Hugin A’,
    16: ‘Sleipner’,
    17: ‘Skagerrak’,
    18: ‘Smith Bank’
    col_rename_map = {
    “WELL”: “WELL_ID”

    Translated with (free version)

  7. Hi there! I was just wondering if the volve data set contains any caliper logs or any other types of logs to measure the borehole diameter with depth.
    Thanks in advance!

    1. There are Caliper logs available in the dataset. You’ll find them the the Well Logs/Petrophysical Interpretation section.

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