Our Vision

Our vision drives us to develop a platform to disseminate the knowledge and organize around 40,000 files that make the Volve data set.

Volve is an example of how we searched for every possibility to extend the field life. Now we want to share all Volve data to ensure learning and development of future solutions. We believe that this data will be highly useful, contributing to further learning and experience transfer in the industry and in academia

Jannicke Nilsson, Equinor’s chief operating officer


Make the data set suitable for pedagogy with information that’s easily understood by a Petroleum Engineering / Geo-science student. Provide educators with a data set for coursework and give students an exposure to a full field development study.


Provide access to a common and known data set for professionals to receive training upon. Improve their interaction with the trainer and allow easy technology transfer. Form a benchmark to evaluate studies, technologies and knowledge.

Research and knowledge dissemination

Provide access to demonstrate the results on an open data set. Compare technologies on a common data set and enhance communication between researchers.

We also share this data set to encourage higher productivity and innovation in the industry. We hope that it will not only help future energy innovators in their work, but also contribute to more efficient operation and possibly better interaction between players in our industry.

Jannicke Nilsson, Equinor’s chief operating officer

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